As a certified high school English teacher in Florida, I specialize in media studies, interpersonal communication, journalism, creative and thematic writing, and literary theory. I have authored, implemented curricula, and guided multi-day trainings dedicated to reading and writing across the content areas.
There was no turning back when I published my first article at age 16. I became a journalist fresh out of college, honing my craft writing hundreds of stories on education, zoning law, community planning, and affordable housing. I also published poetry and short fiction with several literary magazines.
For five years, Know Thyself, my weekly column for Gannett Newspapers, explored yoga, meditation, green living, sustainability, communication, nutrition, and all things that matter.
Yoga was instrumental in my development as a writer, and I became a certified teacher in 2009. My yoga practice is dedicated to guiding people living with specific challenges. I work predominantly with incarcerated children, teaching meditative practices and anger management techniques. I also coach teens interested in relaxation, stretching, fitness, and marathon running.
I am available for group trainings, private classes, and consultations. Please contact me for more information.