Forgiveness is Arrogance

The Arrogance of Forgiveness by Nancy Next I’ve read endless variations of the pro-forgiveness memes: “Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” “The weak can never forgive.  Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” “To...

Lessons from a Six-Day Fast

Know Thyself: Lessons from a Six-Day Fast by Nancy B. Loughlin Published in News Press on April 11, 2016 Eating is a mundane fixation. Until I committed to fast for six days, drinking only water, I never realized how much the act of eating devoured my mental energy....

Fall into grace with Kirtan

Know Thyself:  Heed the Call of Kirtan By Nancy B. Loughlin Published in News Press on April 5, 2016 You can always try to figure things out.  Or, you could just drop in, fall into grace and stop analyzing to death. These are the words of Missy Balsam, Naples yoga...

Writing with your non-dominant hand

Switching hands for meditation By Nancy B. Loughlin Published in News Press on March 22, 2016 Switch to your non-dominant hand, and you’ll be writing from a different place. Why shouldn’t you pull wisdom from every resource, every aspect of self, you have? Reverend...

Brahmacharya: Practicing Restraint

Practicing restraint By Nancy B. Loughlin Published in News Press on March 15, 2016 Some of the most indulged humans in history now walk the earth. We wear the workaholic label as an honor. We’re too edgy to mindfully prepare our food, so we eat our fast food fast. ...