Menstrual cycle kits empower women around the world

Menstrual cycle kits empower women around the world by Nancy B. Loughlin Published in News Press on January 31, 2017 It’s about the pads and tampons, the stuff women need when the blood comes out of their “wherevers.” But not everyone has access to feminine hygiene...

Know Thyself through crystals

Know Thyself through crystals by Nancy B. Loughlin Published in News Press on January 24, 2017 Shimmering beauties surrounded me, and a decision was impossible. Quartz, Selenite, Obsidian piled on tables in a dazzling color spectacle at Infinite Stones, Fort Myers. ...

Stepping out after a knee replacement

Stepping out after knee replacement surgery By Nancy B. Loughlin Published in News Press on January 10, 2017 After his knee replacement surgery, doctors and nurses called Gary Granza “Yoga Guy.” Medical professionals huddled in his hospital room doorway and watched...

Meditative tools for taking control of your day

Taking control of the day in three steps By Nancy B. Loughlin Published in News Press on January 3, 2017 Some days don’t begin.  They launch. Are you moving through the hours with deliberate intention, committed to purpose, or are the hours smacking you around? Don’t...

Interbeing and what defines a spiritual experience

What defines a ‘spiritual’ experience? By Nancy B. Loughlin Published in News Press on December 27, 2016 It was either an out-of-body experience or an inner-body experience.  I can’t decide. It happened during an afternoon meditation while I lay on my back.  Blue and...