“I didn’t know what else to do.”

When meanness is the only option By Nancy B. Loughlin Published in News Press on August 16, 2016  We’ve all said it. We were in a pinch when we didn’t like what someone was doing.  We became uncomfortable, so we lashed out. We got mean with a comment, dirty look or...

Meditate on the lotus

Meditate on the lotus By Nancy B. Loughlin Published in News Press on August 2, 2016  While navigating tough times, you remind yourself, “This, too, shall pass.” When it’s all over, you will be transformed, new. But the passing can be agony. At these moments, meditate...

Know Thyself: What is adventure?

Know Thyself:  What is adventure? By Nancy B. Loughlin Published in News Press on July 26, 2016  The adventurous life involves risk, exploration and living the extraordinary. But are you an adrenaline junkie?  Do you mainline dangers like a drug? Thrill-seeking,...

Everyone has a past, dealing with shame

Dealing with Shame By Nancy B. Loughlin Published in News Press on July 19, 2016 Everyone has a past. Shame can be part of the package. It may have been something you said, you wrote, you wore, you did or you thought.  It may have been ten years ago or yesterday. ...

Reflections on fighting for freedom

Reflections on fighting for freedom By Nancy B. Loughlin Published in News Press on July 12, 2016  Our quests for “freedom” are bondage. Battles over our guns, abortion rights, health care, imbibing our drugs of choice and marrying whom we choose can be noble causes,...