Do you have to be perfect to be enlightened?

Do you have to be perfect to be enlightened? By Nancy B. Loughlin Published in News Press on March 31, 2015 Psychologist Abraham Maslow called them “peak experiences.” These are defining moments for people who are self-actualized.  They feel flashes of overwhelming...

Gift of Detachment

The gift of detachment By Nancy B. Loughlin Published in News Press on December 23, 2014.  Posted with permission.  You know when your emotions get the better of you. When you’re about to snap, there are two competing threads running through your mind. Thread A is...

Elephant Journal: Yin and the Yang of Hooping

Yin and the Yang of Hooping By Nancy B. Loughlin Published in Elephant Journal on July 5, 2012 YIN: Hooping the Body A hard hip-swivel with a hoop burns 100 calories in ten minutes. That fact alone is guaranteed to get anyone’s attention. Gina DeFrancesco is a hooper...

Saluting the Sun and the Moon

Salute the sun and the moon by Nancy B. Loughlin (Published in News Press on December 2, 2014.  Posted with permission.) A balanced day begins with saluting the sun. It ends with connecting to the...